Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

I promise that pictures from the beach and an update on life is coming soon....

But I wanted to post this amazing video that I saw on a photographer friend's blog yesterday. It is so incredibly touching and moving - I hope it blesses your heart as much as it blessed mine!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Get Outta Town

Well, I'm sitting here with Lexie all snuggled up next to me.... I think she knows she is going to the puppy resort for a week while mommy and daddy head to the BEACH!! I can hardly wait to put my feet on the sand. Although, I do have to admit that leaving the little pooch is gonna be rough. Pitiful, huh??

Anyway, we head out in the morning for a week at the beach. Our "babymoon." Our last chance at total rest and relaxation as just us. I'm really looking forward to just getting away for awhile and not having to think about anything!

The baby bedding arrived today. I was so excited to see it, and I'm happy to say that I love it even more than I thought I would! It's always hard when you've never seen something up close and personal. It is super cute, and now I am so anxious to get started on the nursery!

Well, I will update everyone with pics from the beach when we return. Have a great week!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

It's A.....

Baby! We had so much fun at our ultrasound today, and as tempting as it was to find out, we restrained ourselves and now the only person that knows the sex of Little Bit is the ultrasound tech. I was beside myself at just how amazing the 4D ultrasound really was. I don't think I was expecting it to be quite so great. And, we sure do have one cute baby, if I do say so myself! The little bugger didn't cooperate all that well though....It kept its hand up by its face almost the entire time! It didn't want to put on a show despite the constant prodding of the ultrasound tech! It was so funny! But we were able to get a few really great shots. Here are our favorites.... CAL said he was going to try to work on the scanning quality of them, but I just couldn't wait to show Little Bit off to the world! Here he/she is!

And, we finally took some belly pictures today! Here I am at 20 weeks and 2 days along...with a grand whopping 2 pound weight gain. I about fell over when the nurse told me that was all I had gained. But, I'm not complaining! I guess that goes to show that I didn't lose all the weight I wanted to before I got pregnant!

I'm sorry they aren't the greatest quality, but it was 7:30, lighting was bad, and I didn't do much editing on them! I just wanted to finally get some up here!

What a fun day. I said in my last post that I didn't know if I could love this Little Bit anymore, but today proved that the love I have keeps growing and growing...Today is proof of it!

Mother's Day

Well, I'm posting this a day late, but Happy Mother's Day nonetheless.

The day was so special to me this year because I am beginning to grasp the depth of love that mothers feel for their children. Even though I haven't held Little Bit in my arms, I wonder if it is even possible to love him/her more than I already do. Pregnancy is really starting to settle in with me and is finally getting to the enjoyable point. Feeling the little kicks and flutters makes the whole process so much more real. I can hardly believe that next Mother's Day I will be holding this treasure in my arms. I simply can't wait!

CAL gave me an amazing day. He has set the bar incredibly too high and I will never be able to match it for Father's Day. He decided it was time to give me a big gift.... The camera I have been drooling over for about a year. It was Happy Mother's Day/Happy thanks for carrying our baby/Happy Birthday/Happy Anniversary, etc. etc. but it is amazing. I have loved playing with it and getting it all figured out. Hopefully I can post some pictures soon!! After church we went and had pizza (my favorite) and did a few errands. Later in the day, he took me to see Baby Mama (hysterical, by the way) and then we just kind of hung out. It was a nice, relaxing day. He also gave me two cards that were both adorable in their own way... One was from Little Bit and one was from him. I will treasure them.

Today we go for our 20 week ultrasound, so I will post some of those pictures as well as hopefully some belly shots later on! We have got to get better about taking pregnancy pictures!!! I think I just like being behind the camera much more than being in front of it!

I hope all the moms out there had a great day!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Bed Bugs

Note to self: Don't let Little Bit ever watch this show.

This morning when CAL and I got home from the gym, we cuddled up back in bed and turned on the TV (who says that exercise wakes you up??). Well, CAL was flipping through the channels and happened upon a kids' show called "My Bed Bugs" on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). To say it was bad would be an understatement, but we got some really good laughs out of the thing.

First of all, apparently the actors in the show didn't have a requirement that they had to be able to carry a tune because the singing? Well, it was bad.

Second of all, they had the 1-800 number up on the bottom of the screen the whole time. You know, just in case one of those people dressed up as a bed bug happened to say something to make you decide it was time to turn your life over to Jesus.

And the names of these characters.... Gooby, Snoozy, Toofy, Woozy... and my personal favorite - J. Edgar. Do you know what J. Edgar was?? You guessed it - a vacuum cleaner. I guess I should give the writers points for trying to throw some adult humor in there.

But possibly the hardest we have laughed in a REALLY long time was when these random characters broke out in a song about going to the dentist - to the tune of "Bohemian Rhapsody." I think I've seen it all.

So just a pointer for you - avoid TBN cartoons when looking for shows for your kids, because believe me, if they get hooked on this show, you're going to want to jump off a cliff!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Feeling All A'Flutter

Little Bit has decided to let mama know that he or she is alive and kickin' in this belly of mine! A few nights ago I could almost swear the child was doing sumersaults in my belly, and I froze hoping it would go on and on forever! What an amazing feeling! I find myself trying to get him/her to move around but apparently this kid is as stubborn as its parents and does NOT perform on demand! But as I sit here typing this, I feel a little flutter inside my stomach, which has quickly become the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced in my life (aside from falling in love with my baby's daddy!).

God is so amazingly good.

So, we have our 20 week ultrasound in a little over a week, but I'm sorry to say that no one will know the sex of Little Bit except for our ultrasound tech. That's the plan anyway. So, what are your guesses?? Girl or boy? I guess we'll ALL find out in September!!!

I'm gonna go now and sit really still and hope I can feel a few more flutters before going back to cleaning the house!