Thursday, July 16, 2009

10 Months

Dear Drew,

My baby Drew isn't so much of a baby anymore! I can't believe what a big boy you are becoming. We have had a fun month and you are definitely keeping your mommy and daddy on our toes.

You are pulling up on everything and crawling everywhere. You have just started cruising around a little bit on the furniture. You uttered your first "mama" the other day - at the same time that you got your first knot on your little head! You ran into the corner of a door and boy did you cry! And then said "ma-ma-ma-ma" as your stretched your little arms out for me. I'm sure that is only the first of MANY bumps on the head.

You are really starting to like big boy food - peas, green beans, chicken, cheese. You will not pretty much try anything we put in front of you. Quite a change from even last week when you wouldn't have anything to do with any finger foods other than puffs! We went to Piggy's for the first time and you loved the ice cream. We also have discovered that you like cake when you pretty much planted your face in my piece the other day!

You had a very busy 4th of July. We went to a birthday party, the church picnic, and our neighborhood picnic. You slept blissfully through the many fireworks that were being set off right outside your window. I'm not sure how you managed that!!!

It is fascinating to watch you grow and learn. You are full of curiousity and wonder - and I love every minute of it. I can hardly believe that in two short months you will be a year old.

You are such a blessing to me!!!
I love you!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Powerful Word for the Day....

I was in the car today on the way to go grocery shopping. I was listening to our local Christian radio station, and the song "Praise You in the Storm" was playing. It is one of my favorites. But today, for some reason, one line struck me and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind. It says, "Every tear I've cried, you hold in your hand." What an amazing image of our loving, compassionate, and caring Father. Picturing His strong hands holding my tears almost brings me to tears....

Isn't it comforting to know that the God of the universe loves us enough to hold our tears in his hands??