Friday, March 28, 2008

So All of This is Related to Pregnancy?

So, apparently your body produces more mucus when you're pregnant (lovely, right?). Or, so that is why my dr. said when I went in this week for the 2nd Upper Respiratory Infection I have had in the past month and a half. This time, however, the antibiotics haven't touched it.

I have been at home sick since Tuesday. This is the 2nd week of work I have missed during pregnancy because of these issues, and let me tell you how NOT like me it is to not go to work! It has about driven me nuts! It wouldn't have been so bad if I had felt like doing something, but today is honestly the first day that I have had the energy to do even one load of laundry.

When telling my dr. what I do for a living, she said, "Oh, that's the problem, you need to stay away from kids." Um, yeah, right. CAL has put a stop on my working in the nursery on Sunday mornings though, as that is probably where all of this is coming from. Holding little ones for 3 hours on a Sunday morning is a little different than teaching elementary kids for an hour. Until all the snotty noses stop for the season, it looks like I'm out of the nursery!

So, that is about all that has been happening here this week. Just dealing with a cough, headache, and seriously sore throat. Who would have thought THAT would be related to being pregnant?? Every day is a learning experience, that's for sure!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Pregnancy does weird, weird things to a person. I'm sorry to say, you're only beginning to find out. Hope you feel better soon!