Saturday, March 29, 2008

All Kinds of Random...

Since there is really no rhyme nor reason to this post, I couldn't come up with a clever title. Ok, let's face it - I hardly ever come up with a clever title. Titles befuddle me. I don't like them. But I try, and will continue to try. But tonight, not so much. Here are the randoms of today...
  • CAL is on the way to Sonic to get us a Blast. I really have been pretty darn good about what I have been eating during this whole pregnancy thing, but after my dismal attempt at homemade mac and cheese made with whole wheat pasta, we decided our stomachs needed something we knew was going to be good.
  • I love March Madness. I'm in first place in our bracket we are playing in. Of all boys except for me. Enough said.
  • We made our first trip to Babies R Us today to start looking around and getting ideas. Turns out our Babies R Us is extremely small and doesn't have much selection. We did, however, manage to find a stroller that we both liked. I think that is quite the accomplishment.
  • Today was the first time I've been out of the house since Tuesday. I had almost forgotten what it was like to ride in a car and see people besides my husband and my dog.
  • CAL and I have planned a vacation while being home sick - so we have done something while we were couped up inside the house. We're going to the beach in May and I can't wait! We thought about waiting until July, but then I realized it would be really hot and really crowded - and I would be REALLY pregnant. Not a good combination.
  • I'm debating on if I'm going to share a couple of pretty embarrasing stories on the blog in the coming days..... It's really a toss up right now...

See, I told you - lots of random. But that's really all you've got when you've been sick for a week.

I think I hear the garage door opening which means it's time to enjoy my Blast and watch the game. Go Heels!

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