Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock...

See that little "widget" over there to the left...yeah, the one that is counting down the days to the due date? Well, the numbers are getting really small and it is freaking me out just a bit!!!

In January, September seemed like ages away. Now, all of a sudden, it is almost mid-August. And it is starting to become very real that there is going to be a baby. In our house. In about 6 weeks. Wow.

We are basically ready if Little Bit makes an early appearance. We have the crib, the car seat, the stroller, the "coming home outfit," diapers, blankets, etc. So, yes, material wise, we are ready to go. But sometimes I wonder if our hearts are ready. Don't get me wrong... We are excited beyond belief. We can't wait to meet this little one. We can't wait to hold him or her in our arms. However, we are also scared out of our minds that God is placing a child in our care. We are going to be responsible for another human life - and that is a huge calling. Sometimes I wonder what kind of mommy I will be. I have seen so many great moms through my work in the ministry and I wonder if I will even come close. In some ways, it is just terrifying.

But it is in these times that I know I must turn to God and realize that this isn't about me. This is about Him in me, and Him in sweet CAL, and Him in our little family that is about to become three. It is now that we have to look to God for His guidance and strength, and realize that He has equipped us with all that we need to be the parents He wants us to be.

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