Friday, August 8, 2008

He's Coming Home...

So, CAL has been away since Sunday and he should be pulling in our driveway around midnight tonight. Of course, I will be in bed, but I will definitely wake up to give him a huge hug because I've missed him - a.ton!!!

However, I've managed to stay busy this week! My sister and nephew came to town for a couple of days to hang out with me and we had a blast. Then I had church stuff and work, and then headed to Hendersonville on Thursday to meet up with some friends for a girls night out, take some newborn pictures for a friend, and get my hair cut and highlighted.

But even though I was busy, I realized this week how much I just love having CAL around. We don't have to be doing anything special - I just like having him here....even if it is just sitting on the couch.

So I'm not sure what we will be up to this weekend, but I'm planning on hanging out with him just as much as I possibly can!

Welcome home, CAL!

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