Saturday, March 29, 2008

All Kinds of Random...

Since there is really no rhyme nor reason to this post, I couldn't come up with a clever title. Ok, let's face it - I hardly ever come up with a clever title. Titles befuddle me. I don't like them. But I try, and will continue to try. But tonight, not so much. Here are the randoms of today...
  • CAL is on the way to Sonic to get us a Blast. I really have been pretty darn good about what I have been eating during this whole pregnancy thing, but after my dismal attempt at homemade mac and cheese made with whole wheat pasta, we decided our stomachs needed something we knew was going to be good.
  • I love March Madness. I'm in first place in our bracket we are playing in. Of all boys except for me. Enough said.
  • We made our first trip to Babies R Us today to start looking around and getting ideas. Turns out our Babies R Us is extremely small and doesn't have much selection. We did, however, manage to find a stroller that we both liked. I think that is quite the accomplishment.
  • Today was the first time I've been out of the house since Tuesday. I had almost forgotten what it was like to ride in a car and see people besides my husband and my dog.
  • CAL and I have planned a vacation while being home sick - so we have done something while we were couped up inside the house. We're going to the beach in May and I can't wait! We thought about waiting until July, but then I realized it would be really hot and really crowded - and I would be REALLY pregnant. Not a good combination.
  • I'm debating on if I'm going to share a couple of pretty embarrasing stories on the blog in the coming days..... It's really a toss up right now...

See, I told you - lots of random. But that's really all you've got when you've been sick for a week.

I think I hear the garage door opening which means it's time to enjoy my Blast and watch the game. Go Heels!

Friday, March 28, 2008

So All of This is Related to Pregnancy?

So, apparently your body produces more mucus when you're pregnant (lovely, right?). Or, so that is why my dr. said when I went in this week for the 2nd Upper Respiratory Infection I have had in the past month and a half. This time, however, the antibiotics haven't touched it.

I have been at home sick since Tuesday. This is the 2nd week of work I have missed during pregnancy because of these issues, and let me tell you how NOT like me it is to not go to work! It has about driven me nuts! It wouldn't have been so bad if I had felt like doing something, but today is honestly the first day that I have had the energy to do even one load of laundry.

When telling my dr. what I do for a living, she said, "Oh, that's the problem, you need to stay away from kids." Um, yeah, right. CAL has put a stop on my working in the nursery on Sunday mornings though, as that is probably where all of this is coming from. Holding little ones for 3 hours on a Sunday morning is a little different than teaching elementary kids for an hour. Until all the snotty noses stop for the season, it looks like I'm out of the nursery!

So, that is about all that has been happening here this week. Just dealing with a cough, headache, and seriously sore throat. Who would have thought THAT would be related to being pregnant?? Every day is a learning experience, that's for sure!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! We have certainly had a busy week. I am realizing that everything you do takes a little bit more energy when you are 13 weeks pregnant.... We had church Wed. night and Thurs. night. Then a Flashlight Egg Hunt on Friday night followed by a church-wide egg hunt on Saturday morning. And then, of course, was church today. So, I had to take a lot of naps the past few days!!!

It was so fun to think about having a baby in our home next Easter. My mom and dad gave us two of the cutest outfits for Little Bit as an Easter gift. It is just amazing to imagine holding that little one next year.

The idea of "new life" has taken on a whole new meaning for me this year as this little life grows inside of me. Not only did Christ die for me, but He died for this baby that I am carrying. What an incredible thought.

I am so grateful for the gift of Christ, and I pray that He has blessed your heart greatly this Easter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Finding Out...

On January 20th, our lives were forever changed....

We had gone out to dinner with some friends in town to our favorite Mexican joint. We had a great visit and great food. When we got home, we crashed on the bed to watch some TV, and I started to feel funny. I thought I was just having some acid reflux problems, and then realized I had been having those problems for a couple of weeks.

At first I didn't think much of it. And then CAL said it... "You don't think you could be pregnant, do you?" My heart stopped for a moment, and then I quickly said, "No, I doubt it." You see, we had been off birth control since the end of August, but hadn't really been "trying" that hard. There were no calculations being done...heck, I couldn't even remember the last time I had my period. The conversation went like this....
CAL: "Do you have any tests?"
Me: "Yeah, I think there is one under the sink."
CAL: "Why don't you take it?"
Me: "No, it's just going to say negative and then I'll be disappointed."
CAL: " Well, okay, but it wouldn't hurt."
Me: "Do you really think I should take one?"
CAL: "It's up to you..." (I HATE that statement, by the way!)
Me: "Well, I guess I could just take it so I wouldn't think about it..."

So, off I went. I took the test and all of a sudden, I saw two pink lines. My heart skipped a beat. "Calm down" I said to myself... I checked the instructions to make sure two lines meant pregnant. I was sure I just had it mixed up. But no, two lines meant pregnant.

Me: "CAL!! CAL!!! Oh my gosh...oh my gosh....CAL!!!"
No response. Crap, he took the dog out..... Why did he take the dog out at this critical moment?? I finally heard the door open and calmly said he might want to come back to the bedroom.

I showed him the test and asked him if it said what I thought it said.... He looked at the test, then at the box, and then said "Well, yeah, I think it does...." We hugged and then decided maybe I should get another test, just to make sure. In the meantime, CAL sits down to watch football, which put me over the edge. (Ok, maybe i overrecated a LITTLE bit....) All of a sudden I was in tears... "We just found out we're having a baby and you're watching football....sob, sob, aren't excited...more sobbing." He calmed me down and sent me on my merry way to Wal Mart where I picked up two different tests.

I took them both when I got back home....They both said positive.

That night, we laid in bed and just held onto each other and both said a prayer for the little life growing inside of me. We knew at that moment that life would never be the same again, but we also knew that we didn't want it to be the same again, either. I fell asleep dreaming of our little one, and made the dr. appointment the next morning.

Since then, life has been a whirlwind of excitement, and we just can't wait to meet Little Bit the end of September! What a blessing and a miracle....We are going to be parents. I am constantly in awe of this amazing thing happening to us. Sometimes I have to remind myself that it is real. My dream of being a mommy is coming true, and I can't imagine anyone better to share this with than my sweet CAL. I am truly blessed.