Monday, January 5, 2009

A Hit to the Ole Self Esteem

So, we have a Wii Fit. We have had it for awhile. But I just got on it for the first time tonight. CAL warned me that it would be irritating....humiliating, even. But I didn't really believe him.

Turns out he was right.

I stepped on the Wii Fit board and it groaned. Yeah, you read right - it groaned at me. And then it weighs you and calculates your BMI (How a board like that can do that, I have no idea.....). After it did that, my Mii expanded. Yep. My Mii is now fat - apparently to reflect my current status.

But wait - it gets better......

Then it tells me my Wii Fit age....... 43. I kid you not......40 freaking three. 12 years older than I really am.

I hate that thing.

But I'll be darned if it is going to win....I'll prove it to that stupid machine.

Yes, I am insulted by a machine and have decided that I must have revenge. Pretty sad, huh?? Not nearly as sad as watching an expanding Mii and being told you are 43.

It's on.

1 comment:

Deborah Pasko said...

that blog entry is so funny. i don't think i'll ever have the nerve to step on one. thanks for the warning.