Dear Drew,
How is it possible that another month has gone by, and that next month we will be celebrating your first birthday?? Everyone told me that it goes by too fast - now I believe them. You are certainly not a "baby" anymore....You are growing up and turning into this little person right in front of my very eyes.
You are developing such a personality.... When we are out and about, you have to take it all in. You don't crack a smile too easiliy for strangers, and you are pretty quiet. But when we get home or around people you know, you really let loose and smile, talk, and giggle. You are into ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. You are most certainly on the move these days. Your little legs take you very quickly where you want to go. You haven't attempted walking yet, but you are cruising around on all of the furniture and have stood on your own a few times - until you realized you were doing it and promptly fell down!
You have 6 teeth now and eat just about anything I put in front of you. You got over your "people food strike" and now you want nothing to do with baby food, which suits us just fine. Your favorite things are anything involving cheese - such your daddy's boy! I need to buy stock in Kraft so I can keep enough cheese in stock in the house.
You rarely snuggle anymore, but when you do, I relish every moment. Most nights you will snuggle with me after your bottle and I love that time with you. You are now saying "Mama" and it thrills me beyond belief. You love to play peek-a-boo and get a big kick out of yourself for doing it.
Your 11th month will be full of many exciting things - a beach trip, starting back in Kindermusik, meeting some of your cousins for the first time, and a BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! I can't believe it.
Every day I am amazed at how blessed I am to be your mommy. I can't imagine my life without you, and most of the time I don't remember a time that you weren't part of my life. I think that is because I loved you before you were ever a twinkle in my eye.... You are such a joy to your daddy and me. We LOVE being your parents.
Happy 11 Month Birthday sweet baby boy!!!
I love you!
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