Sunday, November 16, 2008

2 Months

Dear Drew,

Wow! You are 2 months old today! Where has the time gone??

You have grown up so much this month and you are doing something new every day, it seems. You are smiling now, although you are quite stingy with them! But when you let me have one, it truly melts my heart!! You are also cooing all the time. You have so many things to say to us! The sounds you make are just so sweet. I could listen to you all day long and never get tired of it.

You have slept through the night a few times, and that makes your mommy very happy. But even though those nights are sweet, I still love our quiet morning feedings when you do wake up in the middle of the night. It is then that I just look at you and marvel at God's awesome workmanship.

You've had a few little issues this month that we are slowly working out. You have reflux, so you are on some medicine for that. And then your little eye got infected from your clogged tear duct. But you are such a trooper. Nothing seems to bother you too much and you handle things so well. You really are quite a laid back baby!

You have grown to really love your paci. But that is about the only "thing" you are attached to right now. You do enjoy to swing and to play in your bouncy seat. You also like to watch football with your daddy.

You weigh about 13 pounds now - you are quite a big boy! You love to eat and you are such a good eater.

We love watching you grow and witnessing all the amazing things you are learning to do. It is truly a gift to be your mommy. This weekend I was looking for your baptism invitations and ran across a saying that brought tears to my eyes..."God chose him to be our son." I truly believe that God knew you would be our son from the beginning of time, and I am so grateful to Him that He would entrust us with such a precious gift. I pray that we will bring you up to love Him and serve Him faithfully. We thank God every day for the gift of you - our precious son.

I love you, Andrew Tyler,

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